We conduct pioneering interdisciplinary oceanographic research, addressing scientific problems in a comprehensive and collaborative manner.

What is our main area of interest?
The eastern South Pacific Ocean is IMO’s main object of study because it has sharp hydrographic, biochemical, and ecological gradients, ranging from extremely productive waters in the Humboldt Current to highly oligotrophic waters in the Subtropical Gyre.
Additionally, in the last decade, the scientific community has acquired an important understanding of the structure and functioning of the Humboldt Current. However, little is known about the vast region of oceanic waters and about the mesoscale activity connecting contrasting environments. At IMO we want to focus part of our research on this oceanic zone.
What is the impact of research in the Southeast Pacific?
It is clear that the dynamics of the eastern South Pacific have a global impact because it is a region where important Antarctic Intermediate Waters are formed. It has strong atmospheric-oceanic connections and coastal-ocean exchanges with the equatorial ocean and contains one of the world’s largest oxygen minimum zones (OMZs).
The peculiarities of the ecosystems in the eastern South Pacific make them natural laboratories for the study of the functioning of the ocean and for the prediction of the way in which ecosystems could react to future global changes. These studies will provide the basis for the management and conservation of the unique ecosystems in this oceanic region.

Dr. Osvaldo Ulloa
Profesor Titular / Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Marcos Moreno
Profesor Asistente / Assistant Professor
IMO/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Line of research:
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dra. Vera Oerder
Profesora Asociada / Associate Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Rubén Escribano
Profesor Titular / Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Cristian Vargas
Profesor Titular / Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Mauricio Urbina
Profesor Asistente / Assistant Professor
Universidad de Concepción

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Oscar Pizarro
Profesor Asociado / Associate Professor
Universidad de Concepción
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Peter von Dassow
Profesor Asistente / Assistant Professor
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Víctor Villagrán
Jefe Laboratorio MIDGEO / Director of MIDGEO lab

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Julio Sepúlveda
Profesor Asistente University of Colorado Boulder / Assistant Professor
IMO/University of Colorado Boulder (EEUU)

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
Dra. Pamela Hidalgo
Profesora Adjunta / Adjunct Professor

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Víctor Aguilera
Profesor Asistente / Assistant Professor
IMO/CEAZA-Universidad Católica del Norte

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
Pablo Rosenblatt
Director de Vinculación / Director of Outreach

Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dra. Montserrat Aldunate
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Matías Castro
IMO/Universidad de Chile
Line of research:
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dra. Natalia Osma
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
Dr. Igor Fernández
Line of research:
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dra. Carolina González
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean
2. Océano Profundo / 2. The Deep Ocean
Dr. Reinaldo Rivera
Line of research:
1. Un Océano Variable y Cambiante/1. A Variable and changing Ocean